Bespoke Courses

Bespoke Courses

We hope you have been able to find a course that suits your learning needs but if you have something else in mind please contact us using the form below and we'll try to help.

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Please read the course cancellation policy before making your enquiry.

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Symptom Management

This three-day course is available to Registered Practitioners working across disciplines and clinical settings and is designed to develop knowledge and confidence in the management of symptoms at end of life.

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Workshops for Registered Healthcare Professionals

These workshops are aimed at registered health and social care professionals to enhance knowledge and understanding of aspects of end of life care and application to practise.

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Syringe Pump Training

We offer Syringe Pump Introduction and Syringe Pump Advanced along with bespoke Syringe Pump Training for your organisation.

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Courses for Support Workers

Courses covering the principles of End of Life Care aimed at health and social care support workers in care homes, the community and hospital settings.

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Professional Visitors

Free two hour information sessions for health and social care professionals and students to learn more about the Hospice and our services.

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"I Don't Know What to Say"

This 3 hour communication skills workshop provides an opportunity for anyone working in health and social care in a non-clinical role to develop their knowledge, confidence and skills in this area.

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Bespoke Courses

We hope you have been able to find a course that suits your learning needs but if you have something else in mind we'll try to help.

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