Day Services


Day Service programmes

Our Day Service programmes aim to provide a therapeutic environment, enabling patients and carers to have an increased sense of confidence and empowerment in living with their illness. 

Living Well Programme

Neuro Living Well Programme

Drop In Sessions

Living Well Programme

Service Description

The Living Well programme is designed to help patients adjust to and live well with a progressive life limiting illness. It is an eight-week programme for 2 hours per week, held in a positive and active environment.

Each weekly session covers a different topic consisting of: 

  • Week 1: Coping Well 
  • Week 2: Sleeping and Resting Well 
  • Week 3: Looking and Feeling Well 
  • Week 4: Moving Well 
  • Week 5: Eating Well 
  • Week 6: Planning Well 
  • Week 7: Remembering Well 
  • Week 8: Talking Well

The session structure covers a small amount of theory (20-30 mins) with an activity related to the topic of that week. There are regular mindfulness therapeutic rest breaks. The programme has input from our complementary therapists, social work team and spiritual care team.

Referral Criteria

  • If you think that a patient would benefit from learning about the course content.
  • Patients must be registered with a GP and living in the BNSSG area.
  • The patients have a progressive life-limiting condition including heart failure, lung disease, cancer, and neurological illnesses.
  • If on oxygen, the patient's normal level of oxygen is 9 l/min or less (please contact the team on 0117 915 9469 if your patient is on higher levels of oxygen – they will be assessed on an individual basis and decision made by the clinical team)
  • Can transfer without the need for a hoist or stay in their wheelchair throughout the session.
  • Performance status – can attend a weekly 2-hour face-to-face group for 8 weeks.
  • Minimum time for reattendance to the course is 6 months.

Referral Process

Please complete the referral form below.

Additional information

Living Well Programme leaflet

Neuro Living Well Programme

Service Description

The programme will run for 2 hours each week for 6 consecutive weeks from 1:30pm - 3:30pm on a Monday afternoon. Sessions include educational information and discussions around themed topics highlighted below and aim to provide support and information for people living with neurological/neuromuscular conditions, as well as facilitating a space for people to meet others and share their experiences over tea and cake. 

The course will take place at St Peter's Hospice, Charlton Road, Brentry, Bristol , BS10 6NL.

Carers' Café 

There will be a space reserved in the Hospice Sanctuary for a ‘Carers’ Cafe’, for carers to enjoy tea and cake, have an opportunity to talk with our hospice staff, connect with other carers and enjoy some quiet time.

Topics Covered 

Week 1: Welcome & Fatigue Management - Advice from Hospice Occupational Therapist
Week 2: The Emotional Impact - Discussions with a member of the Psychological Therapies Team
Week 3: Breathlessness Management - Advice from Hospice Physiotherapist
Week 4: 'What’s important to me' - Discussions with Spiritual Care team lead
Week 5: Future Planning - Information from Hospice Social Work Team
Week 6: Mindfulness & Relaxation - Educational session with Support Therapist

Referral Criteria 

  • Over 18 years old.
  • Diagnosis of a life-limiting Neurological or neuro-muscular condition.
  • The Hospice has a palliative focus and patient must understand that their condition is not curative. 
  • Requiring maximum assistance of 2 for transfers/hoisting and mentally/physically able to manage the 6 week course.
  • Transport themselves or be able to access the volunteer transport provided by Hospice. 
  • Not housebound/Bed Bound/ in the last 4 weeks of life
  • Cardio vascularly stable.
  • Max o2 of 5L LTOT. If o2 requirements above this then please liaise with the team on the number provided below. 
  • Patient must be registered with a GP and living within the BNSSG area.

Referral Process

Referrals are accepted from GPs, Neurologists, MND/Neuro-Muscular Care Co-ordinators or Hospital Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), District Nurses and Allied Health Professionals.

Please complete the referral form below.

If you'd like to contact us directly about the sessions, please call 0117 915 9469 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).

Additional information

Neuro Living Well Programme leaflet

Drop In Sessions

2-3.30pm every Thursday at the Coffee Shop at the Hospice in Brentry.

Aim - to provide a space for support, information, guidance or just a cup of tea and a chat.

Sessions are for anyone with a life-limiting illness and / or their carers.

Referral Form

To refer to Day Services, please download the form below email to