Hospice News

Hear from Volunteer Drivers John and Pam

07 Jun 2023

Volunteer Stories

John and Pam tell us about their experiences of volunteer driving with the Hospice.


John has been a volunteer driver for St Peter's Hospice since 2001.

"I chose to volunteer here because I wished to support a local charity.

"I drive patients to various classes and appointments and help family and friends to visit their loved ones. It seems a small thing, but it makes such a difference and people are always so thankful that we're able to help them in this way.

John with a St Peter's Hospice vehicle

"I love meeting different people and getting to know everyone I give lifts to. You meet some lovely people in this role from all ages and backgrounds, it's great chatting with them as I drive them.

"I also collect eBay items from shops and take them to the warehouse. I've been to every shop now and love it, everyone is lovely! It's a heck of a laugh at the warehouse and a great way for people to volunteer for the Hospice behind the scenes."


Pam has volunteered as a Hospice driver for the last ten years.

"After retiring I didn't just want to sit twiddling my thumbs, I'd previously driven a neighbour to visit her husband in hospital regularly and enjoyed it. A friend recommended St Peter's and I thought it sounded perfect.

Pam with a St Peter's Hospice vehicle

"I really enjoy chatting to people and spending time listening to them, you have to give people the space to talk. I get a lot from knowing I'm helping people; some people would struggle to get to the Hospice without us and I know that I'm making a difference.

"I couldn't recommend it more strongly; I'd say to anybody give it a go and you won't be disappointed."

With our day services both at the Hospice in Brentry and out in the community picking back up again we're looking for new volunteer drivers to join the team. If John and Pam's stories have got you interested in giving volunteering a go then please register your interest by clicking on the link below. We can't wait to hear from you.

Volunteer at the Hospice

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