Hospice News

Ron and Sue Volunteer with our Events Team

06 Jun 2023

Volunteer Stories

Husband and wife, Ron and Sue from Longwell Green, have volunteered for the Hospice for more than ten years, helping at many fundraising events.

"We do it together," says Sue, "and we each bring along friends to volunteer with because they enjoy coming too. We're happy to spend a couple of hours helping out and it can be very amusing at times."

Ron's mother was one of the first patients cared for by St Peter's Hospice in the 1980s and over the years, some of their friends have been cared for by the Hospice too, so it was the natural choice for the retired couple when they were looking to volunteer.

Sue and Ron

Ron says: "We've done three events recently, marshalling at The Rugby March, Tour de Bristol and the half marathon. We've also been involved in helping to set up the Christmas tree collection and with us having allotments, we get an excess of plants, so we take them into the Hanham shop which sells them on behalf of the Hospice.

"We thoroughly enjoy doing it. I would recommend it to anybody who's got the time or if a person is on their own, it's an opportunity for them to get out and meet people. There are plenty of opportunities out there and different things to do."

Sue adds: "Of all the events, I enjoyed helping out at The Midnight Walk and still have my flashing pink bunny ears from that time. We're not committed on a daily basis but it's nice to be involved in different ways."

If you're interested in volunteering with our fundraising team, find out more and register your interest by clicking on the link below.

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