(Terry) Terence Henry Betty

1945 - 2014

In loving memory of a wonderful father in law, that had a wicked sense of humour.xx

(Terry) Terence Henry Betty Currently raised: £1406 Target: £0 Donate


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Perry Clark

29 Sep 2024

Offline Donation

15 Jun 2016

Midnight Walk 2016 sponsorship from Amanda (via Just Giving) & another registration for the walk too.

Offline Donation (1)

09 May 2016

Justgiving money from Amanda's Midnight Walk 2016 sponsorship. Only 1-month to go now, until the big night!

Offline Donation (2)

05 Apr 2016

Midnight Walk 2016 signup by Amanda. Hope you are looking forward to a night of fun and samba!

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