Sharon Newton

1961 - 2018

Sharon Newton was a very gentle and positive-thinking woman. She always found the good in everything, even in the most dire circumstances. Her generosity and kindness was felt among her community of friends and family. May her memory be eternal!

Sharon's funeral is on Friday 27 July 2018. Before she passed, I had a texting conversation with her, telling her that I wished to do a fundraising indoor rowing marathon in her honour. A marathon is 42,195 metres, and it takes about 6 minutes for me to row 1000 metres. Beginning on the day of her funeral and ending exactly a month later, I will be spreading my rowing sessions throughout the month of August on my regular gym workout days, and I would be so appreciative of any sponsors and donations in her memory. I'll post daily photos of my progress meter on this giving page so that you can see my hard work. If you knew Sharon, or if she's touched your life in any way, please give generously in her memory. This is the charity that she has chosen with her own words:

JUN 6TH, 6:43PM
Joanna: Hey, Sharon. Been thinking of you lately. Let's try to chat sometime.

Sharon: That would be good. I'm around tomorrow morning or Friday afternoon, if any of those suit you. Or Saturday morning? Will be lovely to chat. Darn cancer has spread further so I'm now on yet another kind of chemotherapy. It makes me very tired, but so far, no other side effects. Despite all this, I'm still enjoying life. Hope you're enjoying life too!

Joanna: I hate cancer. It sucks. Gonna do another rowing marathon in your honour. Which cancer charity do you want me to do it for?

Sharon: Aww...that's so kind, Jo. My favourite charity is St Peter's Hospice. If it wasn't for them, my symptoms would be uncontrolled and I would not be able to enjoy life. I attended a 12 week course at the day hospice and came out of each session walking on air. The spiritual team were great - especially as I cannot easily attend church at the moment. Now the 12 weeks are up, they will continue supporting me in the community. I cannot praise that amazing place enough.

Joanna: Awesome!

Friends and family, please give generously. I'll be doing all the hard work, really. All you have to do is click the "donate" button. Thank you. God bless you. Let's keep Sharon's memory alive and well.


Sharon Newton Currently raised: £2461 Target: £100 Donate


Latest comments

Offline Donation

23 Jan 2019

Further sponsorship for Bristol Half Marathon 2018 from Caroline.

Offline Donation (1)

05 Oct 2018

Collection of very kind sponsorship & donations raised by Caroline & Philip.

Mr Martin Ubank

14 Aug 2018

Spent many special times with Sharon. So very sad that she's left us all too early.

Joanna Xylas

13 Aug 2018

I'm still rowing, Sharon! And I feel you smiling with me with every stroke. It feels so good to keep your memory alive as I work my bum off in the gym. I can almost hear you telling me stories of your bus journeys or about your work with conservation or making the odd-shaped knitted creations as I sweat. I'll pass by one of the cafes where we had a nice cuppa, and I'll think of you fondly, a flood of memories wash over me and fill my mind with such pleasant thoughts and warmth and love. That was your signature, your impact upon everyone whose lives you touched. And there are so many. Our love for you will carry on for the rest of our lives. What an impact you had and continue to have for all of us! May God rest your soul, and may your memory be eternal!

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