Sally Ann McGarry (Powell)

1954 - 2015

This page has been raised in memory of Sally and her wishes for any donations to go to St Peters, who helped her through her ilness with friendship, care and much more, Thanks.

Sally Ann McGarry (Powell) Currently raised: £1823 Target: £0 Donate


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Offline Donation

08 Dec 2015

A wonderful collection made at Sally's funeral. Our condolences to you all at this sad time.

Ms Lisa & Marco Warrington

06 Nov 2015

Dearest Sal, of all the people in the world, it's so unfair that you have been taken away from us. You will be so fondly remembered for being warm, welcoming, full of fun, silliness, and mischief, bright as a button, and as caring and compassionate as they come. You made such a difference to my life and we are very thankful to have known you. Rest in peace lovely angel, gone but never forgotten. xxxxxxxxx

Mr Des McGarry

01 Nov 2015

Gone, but never forgotten, love Des

Rachel Hudson

14 Oct 2015

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