Marie Suzanne Coventry

1950 - 2016

She was my ever-loving wife and my best friend.
We knew each other for 51 years and we were married for 46 of them.
You were taken too soon. I love you and miss you terribly. The light has gone out in my world. Until we meet again.

Marie Suzanne Coventry Currently raised: £335 Target: £0 Donate


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Offline Donation

12 Aug 2016

Collection made in memory of Marie, at her funeral. A very generous tribute at this sad time.

Offline Donation (1)

29 Jun 2016

From Sue & Ian.

Offline Donation (2)

24 Jun 2016

Love and miss you mum. Donation as you would have wanted, for all the care that St Peter's Hospice gave to Louise. Sally Fincham

Rachael Foster

24 Jun 2016

Marie, you were a very loving daughter. I shall miss you greatly. You‘ll always be in my thoughts. Mum.

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