Jenny Brelsforth

1950 - 2019

Jenny, our much loved Mum and Nanny, sadly passed away after being diagnosed with terminal cancer only 7 weeks earlier. The lovely Nursing Team at St Peters Hospice helped to ensure that mum was as comfortable as possible during her final days.

Anyone that knew mum will know how much she loved to sing, walk and socialise, and how she was always checking up on those that were dear to her. She had great faith and was so brave during her illness, she continued to sing and raise a smile from those around her throughout. She will be missed greatly by us her family and by those that knew her. Her passing has left a huge hole in all our lives. Mum told us girls that we mustn't worry about her as she is going to a beautiful place where she will be watching over us.
Keep singing mum, your bravery and faith is an inspiration to all of us.
All our love always XxxX

Jenny Brelsforth Currently raised: £496 Target: £0 Donate


Latest comments

Karen Jones

20 Oct 2019

Thank you to St Peters Hospice and rest in peace Jenny Xxx


14 Oct 2019

Lovely memories of a lovely lady, love The Cartwright’s xx

Alan Jones

05 Oct 2019

I’ll always remember your warm welcomes and a song for every occasion. Keep singing and smiling Love Al xxxx

Rachel Brelsforth-Jones

04 Oct 2019

Thank you for being there for us St Peters Hospice.

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