Jane Kent

1947 - 2016

Jane, Mum, Granny, loved by us all, spent the last days of her life beautifully cared for by St Peter's Hospice.

Jane Kent Currently raised: £20744 Target: £0 Donate


Latest comments

Elisabeth Colley

05 Aug 2020

As your birthday approaches, Jane, my memories of our times together, particularly in that poignant last year when we sat chatting together are still very much with me

Offline Donation

27 Nov 2019

Further regular donations from Polly, Elspeth, Bill and Hannah as well as a donation from Elisabeth. Thank you so much for your support.

Elisabeth Colley (2)

29 Jul 2019

Still miss your friendship and support

Offline Donation (1)

08 Jul 2019

The regular gifts from friends and family in memory of Jane are helping to make a real difference in her name. Thank you.

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