Jane Coombes (nee Astley)

1966 - 2022

In memory of Jane Coombes (nee Astley) who sadly passed away in April 2022 after a relatively short illness. Throughout her time at St Peter´s Hospice, Brentry, Jane and her close family were provided with an unbelievable amount of support and compassion by all the staff. Jane was a very active, young woman, who was taken by surprise at her diagnosis, and 6 weeks later she had passed away. She was scared, not knowing how being in the Hospice´s care would feel. Also for her beloved husband, Alan and daughter Jess as well as Jane´s parents and two brothers whom she left behind. However, with the constant support of the medical and care staff, Jane and her family were informed, educated and most importantly, reassured and comforted during this most difficult period. Special mention goes to Doctor Kate who provided sympathetic and straightforward advice which undoubtedly made the experience easier. In addition the entire team at Brentry were simply marvellous. With this Tribute Fund, we hope to return a fraction of the support which was shown to us. Please give generously, as this will enable the invaluable work of St Peter´s Hospice to continue.

Jane Coombes (nee Astley) Currently raised: £5948 Target: £4000 Donate


Latest comments

Dawn Rowe

16 Sep 2023

Walked the ‘Shine Walk’ in your memory last night 🩷💕

Paul Astley

20 Apr 2023

1 year on....missed terribly but lots of good memories. xxxx RIP Jane.

Gail Chaplain

07 Oct 2022

I’m absolutely shocked! Jane was a good friend and a lovely person, (not to mention a regular customer to my sewing business). I will always remember her with a smile. Rest in peace sweetpea. Xxx

Rhys Wittcomb

03 Aug 2022

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