David Walker

1952 - 2020

A smart and witty husband, father and grandfather. As David was a long time supporter of St Peter's Hospice, his family request that donations be made in his memory.

David Walker Currently raised: £1583 Target: £0 Donate

Latest comments


20 Sep 2020

Robert Bourns

13 Sep 2020

Such a dedicated, generous and effective trustee (of time and sense) and, with Catherine, wonderful neighbour to Joan. Robert and Fiona


07 Sep 2020

With thanks for David’s life and the generous support of David and Catherine for the Hospice over many years. Gill

Offline Donation (1)

04 Sep 2020

David, you were amazing! Thank you for all the fun and laughter. We will miss you. Gary, Lynne, Charlotte, Alex, Fran and Ellie x

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