Alex Fuk Lin Chung

1951 - 2014

If it is your intention to give flowers, please consider donating to St Peter's Hospice in Bristol, which was a specific wish of Alex. They were a great support during the final days of his life and provided an invaluable service to the family.

Alex Fuk Lin Chung Currently raised: £1440 Donate


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Cedric Prys-Roberts

27 Sep 2020

Offline Donation

30 Oct 2014

Alex was a very special caring person and a wonderful friend. We will all miss him greatly. From Roy, Jean, Tanya, Hazel and Kylie Hancock. 22 Jan 2014

Offline Donation (1)

30 Oct 2014

Online donation made on 24/01/2014

Jimmy Li

30 Jan 2014

Uncle Alex, We miss you dearly but will always be fondly remembered. Rest in peace. Love, Jim, Lou and Evelyn

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