Aina Pascall

1949 - 2013

This is a tribute to our very dear friend and colleague, Aina Pascall, who died peacefully in St Peter's Hospice on Thursday 26 September 2013.

Aina Pascall Currently raised: £7089 Target: £0 Donate


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Megan Lumsdaine

19 Mar 2015

I will never forget the laughs we had at the rowing club and how you were there for me when I first started circuits (and was terrified I wasn't fit enough!) How you and only you told me I shouldn't fancy the person I did at the time and tried to set me up with my now fiance. Unfortunately we both chickened out of the blind date you set up on a climbing wall (in lycra) so didn't actually meet until a couple of years later. You were always there with a massive hug and smile on your face and never failed to cheer me up. You will be greatly missed. x

Jennifer Clements

19 Mar 2015

Dear Aina, well loved and respected. A great character with a big heart

Amanda Cook

19 Mar 2015

I can't believe a year has passed since you left us. I still miss you very much xx

Nadia Gatti-Norman

19 Mar 2015

Still missing and thinking of you often Aina X X

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