Samantha Ashmeade

1968 - 2021

In loving memory of our beautiful wife and mother. She was simply the best and we feel so lucky to have had her in our lives. Please help us raise money for this amazing charity who helped Sam and us so much throughout the last few months of her life. We miss her terribly, it's overwhelming at times. Sam would be really happy to know that in her passing something positive could be achieved and that she could help others. Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness. Love from Chris, Joseph, Zarah and Sophia xx

Samantha Ashmeade Currently raised: £4554 Target: £300 Donate


Latest comments

Catherine Pearce

27 Dec 2021

Remembering Sam and her family. Merry Christmas 🎄 x

Zarah Ashmeade (1)

25 Dec 2021

Merry Christmas my beautiful mum. Miss you more everyday xx

Stephen Lewis

16 Dec 2021

Martin Payne

29 Sep 2021

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