Roderick Davidson

1938 - 2022

St Peter's Hospice provided invaluable support to Roderick and his family - visiting twice a day so Roderick could remain at home with his family and home comforts (primarily his wine). The support was phenomenal, with smiling, friendly, and compassionate carers who not only made him comfortable, but generally got a smile and often a laugh even on the toughest of days. Roderick's wife and children can't thank the Hospice at Home team enough for their tireless and brilliant care. Any donation to St Peter's Hospice would be gratefully received.

Roderick Davidson Currently raised: £4756 Target: £1000 Donate

Latest comments

Juliet Davidson (1)

12 Apr 2022

Retiring collection from Thanksgiving Service - thank you to everyone who attended and for the generous donations.

Martin Davies Jones

04 Apr 2022

Elizabeth Morley

01 Apr 2022

From the Roger Morley clan

John Greenwood

23 Mar 2022

Will be sorely missed.

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