Michael Dennis

1943 - 2023

Mike was a much loved Husband, Dad, & Grandad sadly passed away on Wednesday 22nd of November. St Peter Hospice were wonderful in providing care to Michael and supporting the family in his final days.

Michael Dennis Currently raised: £329 Donate

Latest comments

Geoff Dennis

02 Jan 2024

Dad you taught me so much, hope I made you proud over the years, love you and miss you x x x

Marcia Kiley (1)

29 Dec 2023

Donations in memory of my very special Dad.

Marcia Kiley

16 Dec 2023

In memory of my wonderful Dad. I can't believe you are no longer with us. I miss you so much. Thank you for all the love and memories you have left me with. Love you Always and Forever xxx

Marcia Kiley

16 Dec 2023

Donations collected at my Dad's funeral on 15/12/23. Thank you to everyone who has kindly donated in memory of my Dad. x

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