Levi Love

1989 - 2022

We lost our beautiful Levi in February. This is our first Christmas without him. I couldn’t bear not having him on my Christmas list so I made this fund. I have been remembering today around this time last year decorating his Christmas tree and how pleased he was with it. What better way to remember our boy than help another family in the same way we were supported by St Peter’s hospice. At a time when so much choice is taken away they made it possible for him to have his wish to be at home for the time he had left. Times are hard and pennies are scarce but if you would like to donate the price of a drink or a mince pie I promise you it will go to supporting people and families to make the most of the precious time they have.

Levi Love Currently raised: £474 Target: £200 Donate

Latest comments

Joe Erskine

12 Dec 2022

Merry Christmas x

Christopher Blair

12 Dec 2022

Thinking of the wonderful Levi this Christmas and sending love to all the family. Love, Chris, Rosie, Albie & Max xxx

Sally Archer

11 Dec 2022

Laura Stone

11 Dec 2022

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