Gary Hesketh

1966 - 2023

Gary, or as some of you will have known him as Gas Gary, was a colleague, workmate, confidant and friend to so many of us and will be greatly missed. Those that knew Gary will remember him as a hard worker, always available, true to himself, with a great sense of humour and always made everyone feel like part of one family.

Gary Hesketh Currently raised: £5624 Donate


Latest comments

John Steele

01 Jul 2023

Thanks Gar!

Joe Milewicz

27 Jun 2023

Philip Jenkins

20 Jun 2023

Rest in peace Gary and thank you St Peters Hospice, for taking good care of Gary

Paul Dagger

17 Jun 2023

Thank you for your outstanding care of our lovely friend Gary who we shall miss enormously x

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