Clare Bradley

1969 - 2017

Clare was quite possibly the nicest person you could meet. She was a loving wife, mother and sister and she will be greatly missed by all of those left behind. Taken from us far too early.

Clare loved her family and loved her work. She always saw the best in people and was always happy to help. She overcame problems with her health and didn't let these things define her. She loved to travel and loved to take photographs which she enjoyed sharing. When the acers were red at Westonbirt this was one of her favourite places to be.

Clare Bradley Currently raised: £6899 Target: £0 Donate


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Offline Donation

30 Jul 2019

Kind further donations from Sarah and Martin, thank you for your support.

Offline Donation (1)

22 Jan 2019

Collection of donations from Martin. A lovely tribute

Offline Donation (2)

02 Nov 2018

Latest contribution from Martin. Thank you so much

Offline Donation (3)

08 Aug 2018

Donations & Sponsorship from Heidi & Martin for Tour de Bristol 2018, Men's Walk 2018 & Lotto.

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